Friday, April 29, 2022

Video Response

I think the issues discussed in these videos affect all of us. We just don't normally think about it because it is very discomforting to think about. The first Ted Talk we watched with Andy Yen is very alarming. He talks about how sending an email is like sending a postcard. Even though the internet has changed the world in many amazing ways, it also has its downsides. Every time we post on facebook, search something on Google, or send an email we are giving the world more and more information about ourselves. One email in the grand scheme of things really means nothing. However, a bunch of emails over a period of time put together can give the world more information than you would really like for it to know. It can tell the world who you've met, where you've been, and even what you are thinking about. The scary part is whatever you send in an email the world can know forever. This is why we need to take a second and step back and think before we post something online. At least in person we know not to say certain things that will cause problems. You never really know the implications of what you can do with your words online. 

The second Ted Talk we watch discussed more information that almost all of us know but prefer not to think about. Finn Myrstad, the speaker we are listening to in the Ted Talk, discusses with us how companies deceive you into giving up your data and privacy. He starts off the speech by giving us a question to think about. He asks if we had a toy that was our companion as a kid. He gives the example of how Christopher Robin had Winnie the Pooh. He assumes that you and your toy companion had endless adventures and what could be more innocent than that? Mr. Myrstad gives us an example of something that is even more innocent. He tells us about a toy known as Kaila. She is girl doll that was voted toy of the year all around the world. The doll even connects to the internet and uses a form of speech technology to answer the questions of your child. However, he tells us that the innocence doesn't really lie in the doll. It lies more with you and your family. While you and your family are innocently talking in the safety of your home, the company of the toy is collecting mass information through what they can hear you say around the toy. It is scary to think how much companies may know about us without us even realizing. 

I think these issues of lack of privacy are a threat to us, our friends, and our family. However, I don't think the world will ever change where people get worried about it because it is happening so much worrying about it could really ruin your life. I don't really honestly think there is much we can do besides just not take or do certain things that clearly look like there are going to be giving away our private information online. However, I do think the government could put restrictions on companies about the amount of information they are allowed to gather from a consumer. While I do think it is possible for the government to do this, it could backlash and then we have a mad powerful company who might just start charging us more for their product. 

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