Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Technology is changing the world!

Technology has changed the world as we know it. With that being said, what is technology? Technology is essentially using science for purposes to help us in our everyday lives. When you think of technology you may think of phones, computers, cars, watches, etc. However, there are many forms of technology that help us incredibly well all the time. The first video we had to watch for this post showed us a little boy on the futurama. The futurama was a ride that was actually designed and debuted in the 1939 New York World's Fair. However, it was designed as a ride of the future. The goal with it being a ride of twenty years into the future. People rode on it and they were told they were seeing a ride that would look like the world they would see in the 1960s. That is a very cool concept. No wonder the ride was so popular. If someone told me that I could ride a ride and see what the world was like in twenty years I would get on it in a heartbeat. My adrenaline would be pumping to beat the boom. The ride was put up again at the New York World's Fair in the 1960s. This is the time when the video takes place and we see the little boy riding on it. I think the reaction and experience the little boy has is very accurate of everyone's reaction to ride the ride. Everyone wanted to do it. I think it would be the same thing if you took our great grandparents generation and showed them things such as apple watches and stuff. Those are things they not only didn't have growing up. Those are things that were not even thought of while they were growing up. 

The second video we had to watch for this post was a video showing us a remix song. It is a remix of a song that was by the band Tears For Fears. However the remix we are watching is by Moby. The point of you having us watch this video to me is to show us how technology can impact the world. This remix and the visual to go along with it was phenomenal. I'm not normally an emotional person at all, but I have to be straight up and honest and just say this remix and video just about brought me to tears. Whether it is through movies, tv shows, videos, or sound effects, technology has brought new personal power to emotions that would not be possible without technology. I can definitely see how this is a good example of how technology is a great thing and how it has really impacted and changed the world.

Technology definitely has its good and its bad. I know that since social media has become a thing suicide rates have gone up. People are much more self conscious about themselves and their image when they really should not be. I'm not trying to defend social media. I think social media is a cool concept but I honestly think the bad does outweigh the good when we are talking about social media. People are so concerned about how many followers they have on instagram, what their snap score is, how many likes they got on their photo, and what people think of them that they really lose a sense of self. I would agree that social media could definitely be classified as a bad thing. However, I would say that when we are just talking about technology as a whole, technology's good definitely outweighs its bad. The possibilities of technology are endless and it is something that generations before us would have given up just about anything to have access to.

Monday, May 2, 2022

Thoughts on AI

This video was very interesting. The main purpose of it was to give us the facts about artificial intelligence. Before I start talking about what the video told us about artificial intelligence, I think we need to talk about artificial intelligence. What is artificial intelligence? Artificial intelligence is intelligence that is demonstrated my machines and artificial objects opposed to natural intelligence which is shown by animals and humans. What are examples of artificial intelligence in our everyday lives? This article gives us 12 different examples of artificial intelligence we see almost everyday in America. A few examples of artificial intelligence in this article are facial recognition (like face ID on your iphone), self driving cars (such as Tesla), plagiarism (it is ridiculous easy for students to steal information and, either rephrase it or don't, off the internet without their teacher even realizing), and smart assistants (such as Alexa or Siri). These are things that help you tremendously in your everyday life and something generations before us never got a chance to have. 

With that being said why does artificial intelligence matter? It matters because it is changing the world with everyday that passes by on the calendar. The video talked about how it has changed the world on a broad spectrum from relationships and rivalries between countries to jobs to our own personal privacy. Artificial intelligence can be a great thing. I think self driving cars and Alexa are both two things that have really impacted the world in a positive manner. There are also some jobs such as jobs involving math that, let's be honest, computers can do way better than human beings. However, artificial intelligence can also definitely have a negative impact on our world. For example, every job that is taken by a machine is a job less for a human that is trying to make money to feed their family. Alexa and Siri are cool, as are many other new technological advances, but these devices are just giving the government and world more pieces of information about ourselves. Using artificial intelligence for national security is also dangerous because there is much more trial for error than there is if people who are fully focused on their job are doing it. 

What is Gatekeeping?

Today in our modern world we hear two words very frequently. Those words are gatekeeper and gatekeeping. However, I think the average person hears these words and either doesn't care or doesn't know what they mean. With that being said, what do the words gatekeeper and gatekeeping mean? A gatekeeper is someone who is very controlling. They are controlling which leads them to perform the act of gatekeeping. Gatekeeping is the act of controlling and limiting access to something. For example, let's say I get a text from my friends asking if I want to go to dinner. Another friend of mine named Bob is sitting right next to me when I receive this text message. Bob is friends with the friends that I'm about to go eat dinner with. The right thing to do would be for me to turn to Bob and ask him if he wants to go or tell my friends to text Bob and invite him. Instead, let's just say I say yes and tell them to not invite Bob to dinner. I am gatekeeping the information that we went out to get dinner from Bob.

Now, you might be wondering, why is gatekeeping such a big deal? It's a big deal because gatekeeping can cause many problems. For example this article looks into gatekeeping in the business world. Matt Klinman, one of the people in this reading, talks about how gatekeeping led him to almost get fired from his job in 2000 and then how it actually led him to get fired from his job in 2002. You see if you are going with your friends to eat dinner and you and them don't invite me, I would be sad but life would move on. If you don't tell me work that I need to do and I get fired from my job because of it or you prevent me from knowing knowledge that would lead me to gain a large some of money, these are things that will really take a toll on your life, especially in the business world. 

Technology is changing the world!

Technology has changed the world as we know it. With that being said, what is technology? Technology is essentially using science for purpos...