Monday, May 2, 2022

Thoughts on AI

This video was very interesting. The main purpose of it was to give us the facts about artificial intelligence. Before I start talking about what the video told us about artificial intelligence, I think we need to talk about artificial intelligence. What is artificial intelligence? Artificial intelligence is intelligence that is demonstrated my machines and artificial objects opposed to natural intelligence which is shown by animals and humans. What are examples of artificial intelligence in our everyday lives? This article gives us 12 different examples of artificial intelligence we see almost everyday in America. A few examples of artificial intelligence in this article are facial recognition (like face ID on your iphone), self driving cars (such as Tesla), plagiarism (it is ridiculous easy for students to steal information and, either rephrase it or don't, off the internet without their teacher even realizing), and smart assistants (such as Alexa or Siri). These are things that help you tremendously in your everyday life and something generations before us never got a chance to have. 

With that being said why does artificial intelligence matter? It matters because it is changing the world with everyday that passes by on the calendar. The video talked about how it has changed the world on a broad spectrum from relationships and rivalries between countries to jobs to our own personal privacy. Artificial intelligence can be a great thing. I think self driving cars and Alexa are both two things that have really impacted the world in a positive manner. There are also some jobs such as jobs involving math that, let's be honest, computers can do way better than human beings. However, artificial intelligence can also definitely have a negative impact on our world. For example, every job that is taken by a machine is a job less for a human that is trying to make money to feed their family. Alexa and Siri are cool, as are many other new technological advances, but these devices are just giving the government and world more pieces of information about ourselves. Using artificial intelligence for national security is also dangerous because there is much more trial for error than there is if people who are fully focused on their job are doing it. 

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